Friday, January 27, 2012

We Are the Bible

Ok - stay with me.  Here is an algebraic equation that I will apply to spiritual matters:

G-d spoke = Creation came forth
G-d spoke = Bible came forth
Yeshua = Living Word = Bible lived out = Light of the World
We = light of the world = the only "Jesus" some will ever see


We = Bible

Ok, not exactly algebra, but you get the point.  So, the way I see it, all of Creation, before the fall, and after restoration, is the Bible!!  Now wait a minute, this is not pantheism.  And I'm not saying that we are all God and that God is everything, etc.  This came to me because the L-rd speaks to me in so many different ways.  Through songs, movies, situations, conversations, relationships, and more.  I don't have to actually be sitting in a chair, with a Bible in front of me, and reading posture, quiet room, etc., to experience the truths of the Bible.  I look at myself:  "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  I look at the sky, "The heavens declare the glory of G-d."  I look at my children, "As a mother comforts her child, so I comfort you."  I hear lines in songs and see situations in movies (even ones not rated G) (not advocating watching bad movies, just that the L-rd can speak through anything) that remind me of the truths of the Bible.  And, when we walk in His ways, emulating Messiah, we are living out the Bible, and so we are the Bible!!  Of course we need to read and study, and listen to mp3s and CD's of Scripture, and listen to sermons and hymns and Scriptural songs.  This is how we learn these truths, so that they will be readily available, at a moment's notice in our minds, when the Ruach is trying to teach us something, or remind us of His presence.  What I am saying is that being in the presence of the L-rd can happen all over life. 

So don't save your time with the L-rd for worship services and quiet times.  Experience Him, love on Him, and let Him love on you, even in the most unlikely of places.  ♥

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