Sunday, January 1, 2012


Forgiveness is a liberating thing. Allows me freedom to soar, not being anchored down by bitterness. For a few moments, I forget everything I was resentful for. Sometimes, a demonic force will remind me of the hurt I experienced. But then Yeshua guides me back into His truth - that He has set me free, and that healing is in His wings.
A wise friend told me that going through hurt sends a person into chaos. Eventually, we start climbing upward to the next level of growth in life. It is possible from time to time to fall back into the chaos, then get back on the path upward. We reach a plateau, then another life-changing event happens (good or bad), which sends us into chaos, and starts the cycle over again. It is how we grow. This is comforting to think about, that going through difficulties is a normal part of life, and how we are refined with fire to come out GOLD.
So don't get angry with the person(s) who hurt you.  Just forgive them, and allow G-d to "work all things together for good" in your life (Romans 8:28).

Song entitled, "Forgiveness"

Song entitled, "Gold"

Zechariah 13:9

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