I finally achieved my goal a few weeks ago, which was to eat half of a candy bar, then save the rest for the next day. I was skeptical at my level of self-control, but, behold! I did it, with almost no agony! LOL Now I have since done the same thing several times. I suspect that I was given supernatural strength to withstand the temptation to eat the whole candy bar, just because it was there. Ever wonder why G-d has rules in the Bible about which foods to eat and not to eat? I figure it must be because it is a lesson in self-control. If we can shun a piece of tasty-looking food just because G-d says not to, then self-control in other, more significant matters in life becomes more doable. Think about it, what was the one thing G-d said NOT to do way back in the Garden of Eden? To not eat something. It wasn't a monumental request, but the implications were collossal.
Now if I can apply the same principal to portion control...As my deceased grandfather said once (may his soul rest peacefully), "I know the answer to all these new diets: DON'T EAT SO DARN MUCH!!" Pretty profound, huh?
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