Friday, January 27, 2012

Being the Light of the World

Yes, I've heard it all my life.  The "Light of the World."  But what does this really mean?  Recently several people have commented to me that I have a lot of "light," an "aura."  I was thinking, what does all this mean?  That really sounds new-agey.  Sort of freaking me out.  The mental gears in my mind, turning over and over, trying to process what in the world that meant.  I even thought, OH NO, what if I'm possessed by some sort of bad spirit?  But all of that nonsense and fear didn't come from G-d.  Then the L-rd, Baruch HaShem, showed me the meaning of it all. 
When we have Messiah, we radiate good spiritual light, b/c He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  We shine light to into a dark world, to light up the way for people to see the truth, in the midst of confusion.  "Thy Word is a lamp until my feet, and a light unto my path."  Psalm 119:105  And people pick up on this.  They are drawn to this.  They want what we have.  It's contagious, and it's joyful!!  It's enthusiastic, exuberant, and yet peaceful, all at the same time!  A friend posted a verse on Facebook that sums up this whole drash in a nutshell:

2 Corinthians 4:6-7

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”[a] made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

RADICAL, DUDE, or what??  LOL, now I'm dating myself.  Anyway, as the verse says, the reason His light is so noticeable to others, is that our bodies, these "jars of clay," don't naturally radiate light.  In fact, the only time mine shines is when I'm so oily b/c I haven't taken a shower  haha.  But His light is supernatural, and people pick up on that - it's not something they can fabricate themselves.  It's like an emotion that doesn't exist in our brains' lexicon of emotional states.  People are going, "How do I get like THAT.  Nothing I've ever done has made me feel like THAT.  No drugs, food, relationship, vacation, or experience has made me feel like THAT."  Their brain says, "010101010111100001111000  This doesn't compute.  No feeling in human experience matches input."  LOL  So that is why people notice it. 

So, go out there, and LET IT SHINE.

"This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."

"Shine" - Newsboys

We Are the Bible

Ok - stay with me.  Here is an algebraic equation that I will apply to spiritual matters:

G-d spoke = Creation came forth
G-d spoke = Bible came forth
Yeshua = Living Word = Bible lived out = Light of the World
We = light of the world = the only "Jesus" some will ever see


We = Bible

Ok, not exactly algebra, but you get the point.  So, the way I see it, all of Creation, before the fall, and after restoration, is the Bible!!  Now wait a minute, this is not pantheism.  And I'm not saying that we are all God and that God is everything, etc.  This came to me because the L-rd speaks to me in so many different ways.  Through songs, movies, situations, conversations, relationships, and more.  I don't have to actually be sitting in a chair, with a Bible in front of me, and reading posture, quiet room, etc., to experience the truths of the Bible.  I look at myself:  "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  I look at the sky, "The heavens declare the glory of G-d."  I look at my children, "As a mother comforts her child, so I comfort you."  I hear lines in songs and see situations in movies (even ones not rated G) (not advocating watching bad movies, just that the L-rd can speak through anything) that remind me of the truths of the Bible.  And, when we walk in His ways, emulating Messiah, we are living out the Bible, and so we are the Bible!!  Of course we need to read and study, and listen to mp3s and CD's of Scripture, and listen to sermons and hymns and Scriptural songs.  This is how we learn these truths, so that they will be readily available, at a moment's notice in our minds, when the Ruach is trying to teach us something, or remind us of His presence.  What I am saying is that being in the presence of the L-rd can happen all over life. 

So don't save your time with the L-rd for worship services and quiet times.  Experience Him, love on Him, and let Him love on you, even in the most unlikely of places.  ♥

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spirit Candy

I finally achieved my goal a few weeks ago, which was to eat half of a candy bar, then save the rest for the next day.  I was skeptical at my level of self-control, but, behold!  I did it, with almost no agony!  LOL  Now I have since done the same thing several times.  I suspect that I was given supernatural strength to withstand the temptation to eat the whole candy bar, just because it was there.  Ever wonder why G-d has rules in the Bible about which foods to eat and not to eat?  I figure it must be because it is a lesson in self-control.  If we can shun a piece of tasty-looking food just because G-d says not to, then self-control in other, more significant matters in life becomes more doable.  Think about it, what was the one thing G-d said NOT to do way back in the Garden of Eden?  To not eat something.  It wasn't a monumental request, but the implications were collossal.
Now if I can apply the same principal to portion control...As my deceased grandfather said once (may his soul rest peacefully), "I know the answer to all these new diets:  DON'T EAT SO DARN MUCH!!"  Pretty profound, huh?

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Imagine a small fire in the woods.  The wind blows.  Does the fire flicker, burn out, or spread?  It all depends on the speed and force of the wind.  I never took a physics class, and my understanding is rudimentary at best.  However, it occurred to me today that this simple picture of creation explains a deeper spiritual concept.  The Holy Spirit, or Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew), blows like a wind.  The word "ruach" actually means wind, or spirit.  Fire, when controlled, can bring warmth, light, and a cooking source.  Out of control, it can bring destruction and devastation.  Yet, without oxygen, it will die.  As such, the wind can either help or hinder the growth of a fire.  Perhaps this is how the Ruach is revealed to us.  In small, gentle bursts, just enough for us to handle at the time.  We receive warmth and light from the fire.  We receive the grain of Scripture, the living water (Yeshua), the salt of the covenant, and a well-controlled fire (G-d the Father), kept alive with just enough wind (Ruach).  We are nourished by the bread that results.  Too much wind at once, and our bread would be torched by the engulfing flames, and we would also get burned in the process!!   G-d allows us to understand His truths in small doses.  If He gave us complete understanding all at once, we would be overwhelmed, and would not be able to handle it.
So don't be pushy with your friends and family members to learn Biblical truths that it took you years to learn.  Allow G-d to work with them in His own timing, for He knows exactly what they can handle.

Hebrews 12:29

New International Version (NIV)
29 for our “God is a consuming fire.”

John 3:8

New International Version (NIV)
8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[a]
  1. John 3:8 The Greek for Spirit is the same as that for wind.

Acts 2:3-4

New International Version (NIV)
3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
  1. Acts 2:4 Or languages; also in verse 11
 Song- "There's A Wind That Blows," by Joel Chernoff

Friday, January 20, 2012

Don't Give Up

This song, which is my son's favorite, is a drash all by itself.  Enjoy:

Shawn McDonald - "Don't Give Up"

Sometimes it is hard to go on
It's hard to see the reasons for breathing, living,
        letting love guide the way
But you must hold on

Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day
Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day

Sometimes we fall down,
We get ourselves in trouble but it's okay,
'Cause we still have another chance to get it right,
      to get it right

Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day
Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day

I've come too far, I've seen so much
I've heard the call and felt the touch
I've tasted love that I cannot deny
I've come too far, I've seen so much
I've heard the call and felt the touch
I've tasted love, tasted love that I cannot deny

Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day
Don't give up, don't give up
Hold on for one more day

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Forgiveness is a liberating thing. Allows me freedom to soar, not being anchored down by bitterness. For a few moments, I forget everything I was resentful for. Sometimes, a demonic force will remind me of the hurt I experienced. But then Yeshua guides me back into His truth - that He has set me free, and that healing is in His wings.
A wise friend told me that going through hurt sends a person into chaos. Eventually, we start climbing upward to the next level of growth in life. It is possible from time to time to fall back into the chaos, then get back on the path upward. We reach a plateau, then another life-changing event happens (good or bad), which sends us into chaos, and starts the cycle over again. It is how we grow. This is comforting to think about, that going through difficulties is a normal part of life, and how we are refined with fire to come out GOLD.
So don't get angry with the person(s) who hurt you.  Just forgive them, and allow G-d to "work all things together for good" in your life (Romans 8:28).

Song entitled, "Forgiveness"

Song entitled, "Gold"

Zechariah 13:9