Saturday, February 11, 2012

We Are Indebted to Everyone

Ever think about how much has been done for us, and how much we owe other people?  Even if we gave everything we had away, and gave the rest of our lives up helping other people, I'm convinced we would never be able to pay back the kindness, measure for measure, that has been shown to us over the course of our lives.
From the stranger who smiles at us as we pass by, to the person holding the door for us, to the driver letting us in a lane when traffic is bumper-to-bumper.  Our parents, feeding & clothing us, reading books to us, taking us to school and home again.  That special teacher, who saw potential in us.  The person who cleaned up our mess, or who suffered in silence for something we inadvertantly did.  The person who greeted us when we got on the bus.  The people whose blood, sweat, and tears helped build our towns, churches, libraries, hospitals, and roadways.  The person who told the worker in the restaurant that the paper towels were out in the bathroom, so that we would have something to dry our hands on.  The friend who gave us a ride when our car was being worked on.  The neighbor who put our trash cans back next to the house when the trash had been picked up (Thank you, Mr. Bill!!).  The songwriter whose song touched our hearts over, & over, & over......  And the GOD who made all this possible, who is working in and through it all.
Matthew 25:40 -

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