Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Yeshua's Love is Blood Red

One day this summer during a workshop at a conference, the leader was asking us to close our eyes, and she would mention a word or phrase.  Then she would give us a few moments, and then tell us to open our eyes.  Then she asked us to describe what we had seen in our mind's eye. 
One of the words was, "Yeshua.  Think about what you imagine that He thinks of you."
Immediately, I saw a blood-red color, rich and dark, and glowing like a neon light.  It said to me that His love is deep, and He gave His very life for me.  He is so passionate about me, and about every detail of my life, that His heart beats with emblazened love for me.  Woohoo!!!  That was very cool.
Then, a week or so ago, one of my children shone a flashlight in my eye, with my eyelids closed.  What I saw was glowing red.  Then I realized that Yeshua, when He resurrects us from our life of sin and death, shines his powerful light on us.  Of course our eyes are closed, b/c we are dead.  But as we are being revived, we see His blood, and then our eyes are opened to His light!

HAPPY HANUKKAH!!  May you experience the beautiful light of the Light of the World this week! 

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