Thursday, December 22, 2011


Growing up in church, I remember when there was an "altar call," and people would walk down the aisle during a song, to receive prayer. Also it was a time of "decision," of whether or not to accept the L-rd into our lives. Additionally, a person could "rededicate" his or her life to the L-rd's service, usually a renewal after a time of falling away from G-d.

When I began celebrating Hanukkah, I was struck by the similarity in meaning between the events of Hanukkah, and the altar call. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of Israel's temple, after having been desecrated by those who did not worship the G-d of Israel. Yeshua/Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, which means dedication in Hebrew, as recorded in John 10. While we celebrate the rededication of the physical temple, and all of the elements therein, we can also rededicate ourselves, as our bodies are "temples of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

What a meaningful holiday to celebrate, and fun, too!! For more info on Hanukkah, see

Have a blessed Hanukkah as you rededicate your life to the L-rd!


  1. Thank you for sharing.

    I am blessed to read about your experience. I didn't grow up in church. however, a neighbor lady took me with her daughter for some time. It is where I learned I was a child of heathens and hence myself a heathen. I remember asking God if I could be special too. I looked forward to the day when God would say, "Yes." It wouldn't be until years later that Yeshua found me and I heard His loving call. In the dreggs of darkness, mercy met me and set me free. I didn't know much about the scriptures. But know one would ever again convince me that God wasn't real and Yeshua wasn't the way. Many have tried--Unfortunately most of my family. But nobody did for me that day, year ago, what God did. Being dedicated to God...I wouldn't have it any other way! Praised be His name forever.

  2. It was a blessing to read your comments! So glad to be sisters in Messiah with you.
