Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Intimacy of Yeshua

It is so sweet to walk with the L-rd. If I am having a bad moment, depressed, or upset, I have to only ask Him to reveal Himself to me in some way, to let me know He is still there (esp when it doesn't "feel" like it). And ALWAYS, He makes Himself known, in some meaningful way, and it astounds me every time. It is so precious, to know I am loved and cared for beyond measure, and always will be..............I love you, Yeshua.....

"I will never leave you, nor forsake you"
Genesis 28:15, Dueteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:5, Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5

What a faithful G-d we serve

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Growing up in church, I remember when there was an "altar call," and people would walk down the aisle during a song, to receive prayer. Also it was a time of "decision," of whether or not to accept the L-rd into our lives. Additionally, a person could "rededicate" his or her life to the L-rd's service, usually a renewal after a time of falling away from G-d.

When I began celebrating Hanukkah, I was struck by the similarity in meaning between the events of Hanukkah, and the altar call. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of Israel's temple, after having been desecrated by those who did not worship the G-d of Israel. Yeshua/Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, which means dedication in Hebrew, as recorded in John 10. While we celebrate the rededication of the physical temple, and all of the elements therein, we can also rededicate ourselves, as our bodies are "temples of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

What a meaningful holiday to celebrate, and fun, too!! For more info on Hanukkah, see

Have a blessed Hanukkah as you rededicate your life to the L-rd!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Hebrew Name

My Hebrew Name:


Courtesy of My Hebrew Name

Yeshua's Love is Blood Red

One day this summer during a workshop at a conference, the leader was asking us to close our eyes, and she would mention a word or phrase.  Then she would give us a few moments, and then tell us to open our eyes.  Then she asked us to describe what we had seen in our mind's eye. 
One of the words was, "Yeshua.  Think about what you imagine that He thinks of you."
Immediately, I saw a blood-red color, rich and dark, and glowing like a neon light.  It said to me that His love is deep, and He gave His very life for me.  He is so passionate about me, and about every detail of my life, that His heart beats with emblazened love for me.  Woohoo!!!  That was very cool.
Then, a week or so ago, one of my children shone a flashlight in my eye, with my eyelids closed.  What I saw was glowing red.  Then I realized that Yeshua, when He resurrects us from our life of sin and death, shines his powerful light on us.  Of course our eyes are closed, b/c we are dead.  But as we are being revived, we see His blood, and then our eyes are opened to His light!

HAPPY HANUKKAH!!  May you experience the beautiful light of the Light of the World this week! 

Our New Puppy

I was having a difficult day, thinking of things that are going on in my life.  The L-rd brought the verse to mind, Jeremiah 29:11, which says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I was having trouble wrapping my mind around that concept, when something happened that brought it all home (literally).  At the flea market one morning, some folks were giving away puppies to a good home.  I knew my kids would love one, so I got one.  Not knowing really what to do with it, I drove him home, then took him in my arms and carried him to the place where he would stay.  He was wimpering the whole time, and shaking, like he was really scared.  I petted him, and spoke softly to him, telling him, "It's gonna be ok.  You're going to like living here.  We're nice, we're going to love you."  And I thought to myself, I wish there was someway I could let him know that I plan to take care of him, so that he wouldn't be so uneasy.  Then the verse from above came to mind, and suddenly the meaning was crystal clear!  It was like I was the puppy, and G-d was the owner, telling me, don't worry, I'm going to take care of you.  Thank you, Abba!