Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yom HaShoah

What I learned about the Holocaust growing up was very minimal information.  Then, our 10th grade World History teacher, bless him, showed our class a video about the events of the Holocaust, with graphic details.  I remember thinking, "That happened in THIS century????"  I had previously thought that it had taken place in the ancient past.  Not that it changed how horrible it was.  It was just that I was baffled that something so horrific could happen in our modern society.  It goes to show that some things never change.  Anti-Semitism is one of them.
Anti-Semitism, just like all forms of hatred, can be overt or subtle.  While the Holocaust is just one example from history of the overt kind, the subtle variety exists all over.  Even saying the "Old" Testament is akin to saying, "Wow, your clothes are outdated!"  This kind of thing may not be apparent to many people.  It certainly wasn't to me for too many years of my life.  But now I want to be educated in sensitivity, so that I can show love to the very people who are our physical link to Messiah himself.  I want to learn what it means to be Jewish, because it is through this exercise that I can more closely connect with my beloved Yeshua (Jesus).
Am Yisrael Chai!!
(Long live the people of Israel!!)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Everything Works Together for the Good"

The other day I was in the van, and was looking for my cell phone charger.  As I sat in the driver's seat, I searched everywhere within arm's reach several times over, with no luck.  I went through the drive thru at one of my fav restaurants, and as I was putting the change in my wallet, it slipped out of my hand, and fell in between the space between my door and the driver's seat.  In the process, the contents spilled out in a pile.  Great....  So I pulled over in the parking lot, got out, and picked up all of the stuff, and stuffed it back in my wallet.  Just then, I noticed a cord and lighter plug sticking out from behind the seat.  Oh, it must be my charger!!  What a neat way to end up a little accident here-by finding my charger.  I thought, "Thank You, L-rd.  And what a nice drash this could be about You letting us have trouble so that we can find nuggets of wisdom in life." 
But alas, it turned out to be the small dustbuster vac that I keep behind the seat.  Oh well, since I was already stopped and out of my seat, I decided to go around to the side door, climb in, and do a search and seizure for my car charger!!  As I was digging through junk, I found several items that I had been looking for!   Then, finally, under partially-tipped storage containers, laden with snacks, maps (I'm anti-GPS at the moment lol), beauty supplies, and writing utensils, laid my phone charger, pretty as you please!  Now I was in business.  But I was bummed about my earlier idea for a drash, b/c my adventure didn't really turn out the way I thought it would.  But then I realized that I was learning patience (and not to mention organization).  While the end result was that I DID find my charger, I also found some other things I had been missing, tangible and intangible.  Thank You, L-rd, for all things. 

" everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)."
1 Thessalonians 5:18. 

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28.

"Everything Works Together for the Good" song

Parable of the Lost Coin  - She's looking for a coin belonging in her marriage garment.  I have heard a teaching that Christianity is searching for its lost coin - the Sabbath, as one of the ten commandments, in preparation for the bridegroom's coming.  Cool, huh?