Saturday, February 6, 2016

Don't disregard the law!! It is instruction for life!!

Our DNA has 22 strands.  The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters.  I don't think this is a coincidence.  Just as our DNA gives instruction for our bodies to grow and develop, so the Scriptures give us instruction for our faith to mature.  The difference is that our bodies' DNA is hardwired to shut us down at a certain point in time.  Our faith, however, can last forever.  Our mortal existence is a shadow of our existence in the heavenly realm.  In Hebraic thought, this concept is referred to as the HaOlam Hazeh, or this world, and HaOlam HaBa, or the world to come.  We should obey the Bible.  Next time you hear someone say, "We are not under the law," just remember that the instructions we have been given keep our faith running smoothly, just like our DNA keeps our bodies running smoothly.  Colossians 2:17