Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cheaply Made

Usually, my posts are uplifting and positive.  So I will try to make this post come out positive in the end!  Ok, here goes....So many things nowadays are made of cheaper materials than in past generations.  For example, furniture is hard to come by that is well-made and durable like "old-fashioned" solid wood furniture.  The cheap stuff just doesn't last as long, no matter how well you take care of it.  The same thing is true for most anything these days:  cars, clothing, toys/games, houses, shoes, etc.   Could I venture to say that individuals in general are not "well-made" either?  Sure, we have better healthcare and dental care than previous generations, but what about quality character traits, such as loyalty, respect, dependability, responsibility, devotion, honesty & integrity?  Certainly many generations gone by have valued these important characteristics more than we do now.  It is rare to see a younger person with great manners, generosity, and general kindness for strangers, children, the elderly, mothers with children, the less fortunate, and the disabled, to name a few.  NONE of us is perfect, mind you, and much growth is required to develop healthy and positive traits.  I say all this to say that I believe that this is the *root* cause of failing relationships on all levels.  Increases in litigation are a symptom of this problem.  Taking responsibility for one's own actions is more the exception in most cases, than the rule, I am afraid to say.  Too often we "fly off the handle" or judge someone else, forgetting our boundaries with others.  So let this be a CHALLENGE to "see the world through G-d's eyes," and allow His Ruach (Spirit) to flow through us to be His face to others....the rest will fall in place as our relationships are well made.

John 13:34-35 NIV
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1 comment:

  1. Love this and I agree that it has become increasingly difficult to find young adults with these traits instilled in them. It's very disheartening when you are trying to raise your children with these character traits and it feels as if no one else is. We are truly fighting a constant battle, a spiritual battle, that seems to be flowing against the current of our culture. May we always seek His face and do our best to portray His spirit in a way that conveys love and understanding to everyone. There is much truth in your post! Hope you are doing well these days! :)
