Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sneeze a Smile on Me - No Hand Sanitizer Needed =D

I watched a video this weekend in a class I'm taking.  The video was about how the happiness of one person is contagious, much like a cold or other virus.  One person's happiness can affect countless numbers of people in the interconnected web of relationships, acquaintances, and friends.  The video was from a purely scientific point of view, but I can see how the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) uses us to bless the lives of others, and uses them to bless our lives.  His Spirit permeates and moves through our interpersonal relationships when we allow Him to be part of our lives.  He can use anyone and anything to touch us.  I am thankful for the myriad of people that have blessed me in some way.  May I be able to share the happiness I've received with someone who needs it, every day of my life.

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