Sunday, July 30, 2017

Spiritual Osteoblasts

I went for a five mile hike today - unintentionally!  We started out looking for a trail, and found a loop trail, which we assumed was short, because the difficulty read "Easiest" on the sign.  However, three hours later, we came out of the woods in the dark, in pain and tired and hungry.  This is an experience we won't soon forget.  As I was walking, I began to think about how nice it is to have a home.  How sweet it is as well when we make our heart a home for our Savior.  I want my heart to be clean so that his home can be cozy and inviting.
On our way back home, while riding in the car, some thoughts came to mind about our walk.  Walking stimulates our bones to make more bone, thereby making them stronger.  Our bone marrow makes our blood.  Our "life is in the blood," according to Leviticus 17:11.  So, one could say that by walking, we enhance our life, because we are making stronger the very organ that produces blood.  In the same way, our "halacha," or walking in the steps of Torah, enhances our life, because it is making us stronger spiritually.  Proverbs 3:8

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Don't disregard the law!! It is instruction for life!!

Our DNA has 22 strands.  The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters.  I don't think this is a coincidence.  Just as our DNA gives instruction for our bodies to grow and develop, so the Scriptures give us instruction for our faith to mature.  The difference is that our bodies' DNA is hardwired to shut us down at a certain point in time.  Our faith, however, can last forever.  Our mortal existence is a shadow of our existence in the heavenly realm.  In Hebraic thought, this concept is referred to as the HaOlam Hazeh, or this world, and HaOlam HaBa, or the world to come.  We should obey the Bible.  Next time you hear someone say, "We are not under the law," just remember that the instructions we have been given keep our faith running smoothly, just like our DNA keeps our bodies running smoothly.  Colossians 2:17

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Christmas in July, or Hanukkah in June??

Hanukkah is all about rededication of the temple, after it was dedicated by the Greeks, who sacrificed a pig on the altar.  Pigs were not allowed, because they are not kosher.  Anyway, it definitely didn't belong in the temple, and it was also being sacrificed to a pagan deity.
How many times do we go through the motions of going to church/synagogue, walking the walk, talking the talk of the life of a believer, but in our hearts, we have unkosher pigs that we are sacrificing to idols?  I am preaching to myself here.  I am the "chief of sinners."  Realizing this in totality this weekend has brought me to a place of teshuvah, that is, repentance.  The concept of teshuvah is turning and walking the other way.  I am leaving behind old habits and comfort zones that I have used as crutches, but I am plunging head-long into Messiah's arms, where I am filled to over-flowing with love, peace, and purpose unfathomable. 
So you could say I am rededicating my temple today, on this fine evening in June.  Why not have some Hanukkah in June with me?  Shalom and blessings, chaverim (friends).

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cheaply Made

Usually, my posts are uplifting and positive.  So I will try to make this post come out positive in the end!  Ok, here goes....So many things nowadays are made of cheaper materials than in past generations.  For example, furniture is hard to come by that is well-made and durable like "old-fashioned" solid wood furniture.  The cheap stuff just doesn't last as long, no matter how well you take care of it.  The same thing is true for most anything these days:  cars, clothing, toys/games, houses, shoes, etc.   Could I venture to say that individuals in general are not "well-made" either?  Sure, we have better healthcare and dental care than previous generations, but what about quality character traits, such as loyalty, respect, dependability, responsibility, devotion, honesty & integrity?  Certainly many generations gone by have valued these important characteristics more than we do now.  It is rare to see a younger person with great manners, generosity, and general kindness for strangers, children, the elderly, mothers with children, the less fortunate, and the disabled, to name a few.  NONE of us is perfect, mind you, and much growth is required to develop healthy and positive traits.  I say all this to say that I believe that this is the *root* cause of failing relationships on all levels.  Increases in litigation are a symptom of this problem.  Taking responsibility for one's own actions is more the exception in most cases, than the rule, I am afraid to say.  Too often we "fly off the handle" or judge someone else, forgetting our boundaries with others.  So let this be a CHALLENGE to "see the world through G-d's eyes," and allow His Ruach (Spirit) to flow through us to be His face to others....the rest will fall in place as our relationships are well made.

John 13:34-35 NIV
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gratzie! Gracias! Merci! Todah! Thanks! - the many facets of grace

Was pondering the meaning of the words "grace" and "gratitude" today, and how the meanings of the words are similar, and even overlap.  Grace has always had the connotation of "mercy" to me, but I realize now a whole new level of meaning to this word.  An essence of gratitude surrounds it.  The two words even share the same root, gratus.  To think of the grace of G-d meaning gratitude simply astounds me, as I imagine our blessed Yeshua being thankful for US!!!  Contemplate that for a second....  He is everything to me, and yet He is thankful for ME, little me.  And you too!!  Isn't that delightful?  And the action that flows from His gratitude is the immense blessing of mercy, forgiveness, love, rejoicing, shalom, understanding, wisdom, faith, consolation, and favor, to name a few.  So we can be all of these things to others in our lives, through his power, by giving them grace, ie being grateful for them..........  G-d is awesome, isn't He?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Sweet Aroma of the Ruach

Two days ago I was walking around the track during lunch, and was thinking about how I had forgotten to put on deoderant that morning, and was starting to smell a little!  About that time, a coworker was coming from the other direction on the track.  When I got about 10 feet from her, I could smell a nice floral fragrance.  I made a mental note as I passed by that I should start wearing my perfumed body spray, and then maybe I could smell like that all the time!  Then it dawned on me, that having the Ruach HaKodesh, or Holy Spirit, within us, is like having a sweet aroma surrounding us.  Not only that, it is like hearing someone's gentle, familiar voice, before you even see them approach.  It's like seeing someone from afar off, with a smile on their face, and a look of recognition.  It's like feeling someone's body heat as you stand next to them.  In a spiritual "sense," we can radiate His presence to those around us.  We can also experience His presence as we fellowship with others. 
If we bathe regularly, and use soap, we will smell and look nice.  Likewise, if we get washed spiritually, we will shine like a new penny, eminating His presence like a sweet aroma.
If His words are sweet to our taste, sweeter than honey to our mouths, then the aroma of His words from the kitchen should make our mouths water....

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tisha B'Av

It's Tisha B'Av once again.  This time the nation of Israel faces pressure and persection from all sides.  Let's let the people of Israel know that they have not lost their best friend, America. 

Visit to learn how you can support Israel's maintaining it's sovereignty by influencing the national votes of Carribean nations in the UN.