Sunday, July 30, 2017

Spiritual Osteoblasts

I went for a five mile hike today - unintentionally!  We started out looking for a trail, and found a loop trail, which we assumed was short, because the difficulty read "Easiest" on the sign.  However, three hours later, we came out of the woods in the dark, in pain and tired and hungry.  This is an experience we won't soon forget.  As I was walking, I began to think about how nice it is to have a home.  How sweet it is as well when we make our heart a home for our Savior.  I want my heart to be clean so that his home can be cozy and inviting.
On our way back home, while riding in the car, some thoughts came to mind about our walk.  Walking stimulates our bones to make more bone, thereby making them stronger.  Our bone marrow makes our blood.  Our "life is in the blood," according to Leviticus 17:11.  So, one could say that by walking, we enhance our life, because we are making stronger the very organ that produces blood.  In the same way, our "halacha," or walking in the steps of Torah, enhances our life, because it is making us stronger spiritually.  Proverbs 3:8