Sunday, June 14, 2015

Christmas in July, or Hanukkah in June??

Hanukkah is all about rededication of the temple, after it was dedicated by the Greeks, who sacrificed a pig on the altar.  Pigs were not allowed, because they are not kosher.  Anyway, it definitely didn't belong in the temple, and it was also being sacrificed to a pagan deity.
How many times do we go through the motions of going to church/synagogue, walking the walk, talking the talk of the life of a believer, but in our hearts, we have unkosher pigs that we are sacrificing to idols?  I am preaching to myself here.  I am the "chief of sinners."  Realizing this in totality this weekend has brought me to a place of teshuvah, that is, repentance.  The concept of teshuvah is turning and walking the other way.  I am leaving behind old habits and comfort zones that I have used as crutches, but I am plunging head-long into Messiah's arms, where I am filled to over-flowing with love, peace, and purpose unfathomable. 
So you could say I am rededicating my temple today, on this fine evening in June.  Why not have some Hanukkah in June with me?  Shalom and blessings, chaverim (friends).