Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Sweet Aroma of the Ruach

Two days ago I was walking around the track during lunch, and was thinking about how I had forgotten to put on deoderant that morning, and was starting to smell a little!  About that time, a coworker was coming from the other direction on the track.  When I got about 10 feet from her, I could smell a nice floral fragrance.  I made a mental note as I passed by that I should start wearing my perfumed body spray, and then maybe I could smell like that all the time!  Then it dawned on me, that having the Ruach HaKodesh, or Holy Spirit, within us, is like having a sweet aroma surrounding us.  Not only that, it is like hearing someone's gentle, familiar voice, before you even see them approach.  It's like seeing someone from afar off, with a smile on their face, and a look of recognition.  It's like feeling someone's body heat as you stand next to them.  In a spiritual "sense," we can radiate His presence to those around us.  We can also experience His presence as we fellowship with others. 
If we bathe regularly, and use soap, we will smell and look nice.  Likewise, if we get washed spiritually, we will shine like a new penny, eminating His presence like a sweet aroma.
If His words are sweet to our taste, sweeter than honey to our mouths, then the aroma of His words from the kitchen should make our mouths water....